BAZIN Inessa

Inessa BAZIN

93230 Romainville

Interior designer

Contact BAZIN Inessa

Standard rate number

Response under 24 hours

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  • Regional
  • National
  • International


  • Free first appointment
  • Payment in instalments

Method of Payment

  • Cash
  • Transfer
  • Cheque


  • Spanish
  • English
  • French


  • 82310653900013

About me

A self-employed interior designer for the past 5 years, Inessa Bazin has chosen a profession that she is passionate about, a profession that drives her every day.

Her many experiences in this field have allowed her to approach her job without limits. Inessa Bazin does not limit her work to one area or structure.

This interior designer has assisted individuals in renovating their interiors, for houses or flats in their entirety or simply to give a breath of fresh air to a particular room (bathroom, living room, kitchen, bedroom, etc.).

Inessa Bazin has also followed professionals in their renovation projects for company restaurants, brasseries and hotels. She has also led the organisation of events, guiding the client in his theme and creating a complete universe to transport the guests into another world.

With various experiences in the field of interior design, Inessa Bazin looks at her job from all angles. She enjoys understanding and accompanying people according to their desires and their project. Creativity is the watchword in this profession, the objective being to guide you while listening to you and meeting your expectations.

The spaces she designs represent your interiors, they must correspond to you, follow your desires and meet your needs, because it is you who interact with them. Inessa Bazin is available to guide you in your choices, while respecting your expectations and your identity. This interior designer will help you create spaces that reflect your image, in which you can flourish every day.

Together, hand in hand, you will give life to your desires. During a first meeting, you will discuss your project, mentioning your needs, your expectations and your desires. Then, this interior designer will share with you a first version of your project, on which she will wait for your feedback. Based on this exchange, Inessa Bazin will modify the project according to your indications so that it corresponds completely to your expectations. The project will not stop evolving until you find your ideal layout together.

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My recent work:

Renovation of a company restaurant


Layout of bathroom


Wedding decoration


I offer:

Property Types

  • Home
  • Kitchen
  • Bathroom
  • Commercial Buildings
  • Flats / Apartments
  • Retail
  • Buildings Open to the Public
  • Restaurant
  • Hotel
  • Room


  • Minimalist
  • Vintage
  • Scandinavian
  • Japanese
  • Contemporary
  • Bohemian
  • Industrial


  • Coach shopping
  • Event Decor
  • Remote Coaching
  • Home Staging
  • Full Project
  • Consultation Visit
  • Energy renovation

Contact BAZIN Inessa

Standard rate number


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